Thursday, December 8, 2011

Staff Forum December 2011

Staff Forum Minutes:
Performance Platform
The John L. & Christine Warner Library and Student Center

Attendance: Amy Lister, Brian Boehmer, Greg Halbe, Normal Holmes, Leslie Holler, Melissa Jensen, Marilyn Lees, Connie Zang, David Wirt, David George, Vorley Taylor, Teresa McGinnis, Kyle Morgan, Cherie Snyder, Liz Edwards, Linda Mathews, Sarah Howard, Sarah Morrison, Sherry Abbott, Patsy Henderson, Charlene Santee, RJ Dannemiller, Becky Smith, Jesse Higel, Leslie Dowler, Jessica Mautz, Candy Sheridan, Mark Fegley, Barb Bruner, Tauni Graham, Sue Bidwell


Employee of the Quarter:
Employee of the quarter stats:

Monthly Hosts: OSU Admissions and Advising

Presentation: Brian Boehmer “Newark Campus Framework Plan”
-joint OSU and COTC process in forming a new and different type of master plan; also collaborative effort with OSU Columbus (One University Concept, Regional Campus Cluster)
-what is a framework: structure for guiding change over time, redefines how we think about our physical environment; integrates programmatic, physical, and financial planning; decisions are evaluated in a comprehensive context; touches the full spectrum of the campus; finds physical solutions to the big issues; provides principles, strategies, tolls, and physical scenarios; flexible
-why are we doing the framework plan? Current master plan is from 2000. We outpaced our enrollment growth. Columbus campus did their plan in 2010 (did not address the regional campuses).
-planning process: data gathering, background analysis, physical planning, financial planning, principles and strategies
-planning group: executive team (6 members) and project team (16 members) --- both have representation from Ohio State Newark, COTC, and Ohio State Columbus---14 of 16 members are from Newark Campus
-plan timeline: currently in needs prioritization stage; next is scenario development, draft plan, town hall meetings; final plan presentation in March 2012

Area updates:

Intro: David Wirt --- new clinical counselor in Student Life

Vorley (Office of Multicultural Affairs): refer to handouts for Diversity through Artistry (begins 2nd week of January); partnering with Legend Elementary school 3rd graders; looking for volunteers to help out between 9:45-11:20 (don’t have to do the entire time, just 1 hour is OK); see Vorley for applications; reminder of “Tapestry of Diversity” workshop on January 13th: “Too Much, Not Enough: Cooking up Conversation on Multiracial Identity”

Sarah Morrison (COTC Gateway): Commencement 256 graduates on Friday night; working on individualized academic advising plans for current students to guide them through semester conversion

Terry McGinnis (Fees and Deposits): reminder fees are due December 28th for both schools

Staff Development: door decorating contest judging tomorrow Friday December 9th; reminder about holiday potluck next Thursday in Reese ballrooms; sign up for food or donations in services center

Sue Bidwell/Services Center: we are almost out of inner campus envelopes! If you have any (even if they’re filled) please turn them in. Mary Kay loves to put labels on them! Don’t put off your printing/copying projects for winter quarter!

Sherry Abbott: personnel updates (see below); life insurance beneficiary forms --- if you have not done one, see Sherry ASAP --- there has been a change in vendor, so EVERYONE needs to do the form even if there’s no change in your beneficiaries; “Give ‘em the Pickle” workshop December 13th

David George (OSU Math Center): introduced himself. 

Kyle Morgan (OSU Advising): TAP (Transitional Academic Plans); working on a schedule for the semester conversion; students can do information release online through Student Center

Cathy Engle (OSU Retention Coordinator): introduce herself; first pilot learning community in the fall (approx 80 students); focusing on exploring, developmental/remedial, and first generation students; first big planning session next week; early alerts have doubled (over 300 students received early alerts); working with probation students

Mark Fegley (OSU Admissions): we’ve had lots of visitors (especially 6th graders); enrollment for winter quarter is slightly ahead; about 20 applications up for fall; new student orientation for winter next week

Lisa Smith (Financial Aid): student employment notes --- the “pickle” workshop was what the student employees did last spring, so student employee supervisors should definitely go; for OSU paid student employees they are going to an eTimesheet; you’ll be hearing more about training soon; farewell party for Kathy next Wednesday from 3-5 PM

Candy Sheridan (Education Curriculum Center): department is eliminating Masters of Education program; going to 4 year baacalaureate licensure

Suzanne Clark (Marketing and Public Relations): Holiday Open House Friday December 16th from 3-5 PM; please RSVP by tomorrow for catering head count; on December 17th LEGO robotics tournament will take place in Reese from 1:45-3:45 PM; competition for 9-14 year olds; open to public

Brian Boehmer (Facilities): completing renovation of COTC’s Mount Vernon campus (moving this Saturday); next phase of Founders and Hopewell renovations up next (new space for OSU Admissions and Advising; mezzanine deck replacement for Founders, HVA system replacement/upgrade for Founders); grounds crew finishing winter fertilizing; Jim Woolard retiring on December 16th after over 30 years of service!

Mark Fegley --- for Table of Contents coupon --- “What is the top selling drink at the Cyber CafĂ©?” (Cyber Mocha)

Barb Bruner --- “Who is the Knox Campus administrator” (Joel Daniels) won COTC bottle opener

David George --- “How many acres of state owned land is on Newark Campus?” (155) --- won Christmas countdown